Created in 2015, the Stichting Seconda Prat!ca aims to safeguard and renew our shared Western musical heritage.

TO CREATE links between communities through a deeper understanding of their roots and history.

TO STIMULATE interactions between various cultural identities, while preserving their richness and complexity.

TO CONNECT cultural heritage to living experiences, using music as a privileged medium.

TO OPEN a direct channel between the audience and the stage, through dramatically and emotionally engaging performances.

Our goal is the promotion of culture and music as privileged ways of enriching and expanding European and Western identities.

Through concerts, workshops, recordings and events gathering the new generation of historically informed performers we always aims to fulfill our four main mission goals.

Would you like to know more about our activities?


The current board of the association aims to both coordinate project strategies as well as grow its potential network.

Interveniente ecrã-0912

Nuno Atalaia

Interveniente ecrã-0935

João Paixão

Interveniente ecrã-1930

Jonatan Alvarado



Each of our activities is an opportunity to promote our musical heritage and reach out to new audiences and supporters.

    • Concerts

    • The main activity of the foundation so far focuses on organizing, fundraising and promoting live performances by the Ensemble Seconda Prat!ca.
    • Through live performances audience can engage and be touched by the constant novelty of our musical heritage.

    • Workshops

    • By creating workshops exploring different aspects of our musical heritage we ensure the future of audiences and artists alike.
    • Our workshops count with both lecturers from the Ensemble Seconda Prat!ca or guest lecturers such as Dr. Rebecca Stewart or Claron McFadden.

    • Recordings and Editions

    • Through the recordings, editions and texts we publish we hope to make our work more easily available to audiences worldwide.
    • Each creation crystallizes a part of our creative dialogue with the artifacts and sources of our past’s musical heritage.

    • AEMD Festival

    • Begun in 2016, the Amsterdam Early Music Days is a unique festival created by and for young artists creating a new identity for Early Music.
    • We’re preparing the festival’s second edition in the month of May at the Splendor venue in Amsterdam’s historic centre!

Find us in our upcoming events!